1-888-700-5918 ext. 4
Electronics Scrap

How our refinement process works

Call us Toll free1-888-700-5918 ext. 4

We understand it can be nerve-wracking to send your precious metal to a strange new company. We believe in making the recovery process as transparent and predictable as possible to give you peace of mind. Our process is a central pillar in earning your trust.

Our goal is to:

Refinement Process

No two refinement jobs are the same, but most jobs follow these 5 steps. We are always happy to accommodate the needs of your custom order.

Step 1

Call us or use our online tool to submit the details of your job. This gets the process started. The more details you can give us upfront (digital pictures are great), the better we can evaluate your material and provide a rough estimate.

Step 2

Once we review your request, we can discuss shipping arraignments. You can send us the whole lot, or if you would prefer, you can send a sample to 'test us out' before sending the rest. For many orders, the shipping cost is on us. We will send you an email when our lab receives your sample.

Step 3

We will send you an email the moment we receive your material. We then unpack your material and send you an itemized list of what we received and how much it weighted. This helps ensure that we received what you expected us to.

Step 4

We will analyze your sample’s composition and quality to determine its yield and value. If we agreed on an advance price, this value will be based on the estimated price. If your settlement is on a recovery basis, this price will be based on actual yield data. In both cases we will email you a settlement report.

Step 5

Once you receive the settlement report, you can review it for accuracy and then accept it. We then send your payment right away in check, wire transfer or bullion


There you have it - our process is a promise to be open and honest about how we process your material. It is a part of how we would like to earn your trust, and your business. Please don't hesitate to call us at 1-888-700-5918 ext. 4 or contact us online.

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To learn more about refining Silver scrap


Ship your scrap for analysis or refinement

Maximize your Yields

Tips and tricks to maximize your yields and profits

Got a lot of Scrap?

Our commercial services can help make refining 10,000lbs of scrap a breeze.