1-888-700-5918 ext. 4

Shipping Your Material


Once you have created a packing slip, you are ready to ship your material. Select a strong and sturdy box that is as small as possible to fit your material. If you are shipping several different types of scrap, putting each into separate bags is helpful (e.g. if you have several different types of computer processor).

We are not able to accept hazardous materials – it may be against your shipper’s policy to ship hazardous materials as well.

Please place a printed and signed copy of your packing slip in the box. We cannot accept material that does not have a signed packing slip.

Shipping Costs

Scrap Shipping Costs Reimbursement
Carat scrap
Scrap rich in gold, silver, platinum, palladium
These materials typically yield settlements far exceeding shipping costs. Up to 20% of settlement
E-Scrap (< 500 lbs) In small amounts, these are often not economical to ship. Please see our section on minimum quantities for E-Scrap.  Not available
E-Scrap (> 500 lbs) We can arraign bulk shipping which will be far cheaper than FedEx or UPS. Up to 20% of settlement

In general, we recommend you select the least expensive shipping method you can find; we do not recommend that you select a rush delivery option for shipping. For small orders, shipping costs can greatly eat into profits.

Shipping Reimbursements

Small quantities of E-Scrap (< 500 lbs) of E-Scrap (< 500 lbs)

We are not able to reimburse shipping expenses on E-Scrap orders that are less than 500 lbs. See minimum quantities for details.

Large quantities of E-Scrap (> 500 lbs) and High-yeild Material 

We will reimburse the shipping costs on shipments with a $100 or greater settlement (not to exceed 20% of the settlement. E.g if your settlement is for $200, we will reimburse up to $40 in shipping costs). We can only reimburse the shipping costs on samples if you later send us the full shipment (and it has a $100 or greater settlement.)

For full details, see our terms and conditions.


We recommend that if you purchase insurance that you do not insure the material for far more than it is worth. This can eat into your profits.

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