1-888-700-5918 ext. 4
Get an Estimate

Tell us more about your Material

To recieve an estimate, you can give us a call, send us an email, or use the form below to request a response.

If you already have received an estimate, you can print a packing slip.

1. Basic Information

Please fill in the following information about yourself and your material. The more information you give us about your material, the better we will be able to assess its approximate value and identify your shipping requirements.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address

Describe your material

2. Attach Photos (Optional)

A picture is worth a thousand words; sending us photos of your material will greatly assist us in estimating your yield and best shipping options. You can attach up to a total of 4MB of photos here. You can also send us email, if you'd like to send more.


3. Submit

Click the button below to submit your shipping request. We will get back to you soon with more information about pricing and shipping for your material .

Contact us

Send us a Message

Use the form to send our staff your message.

Give us a Call

Contact our main office at
1-888-700-5918 ext. 4

Send us an email


Maximize your Yields

Tips and tricks to maximize your yields and profits

Got a lot of Scrap?

Our commercial services can help make refining 10,000lbs of scrap a breeze.