We Buy Scrap Computers and their Components
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Materials >
Electronics Scrap > We Buy Computer Scrap
We buy computer components and pay you for the precious metals (such as gold,
platinum, silver, and palladium) found inside them. See
what has value in a PC.
We can purchse most individual components separatly. For example, if you have
50lbs of processors, we can purchase
those directly from you. We do have minumum
shipment quantities to ensure your profitability. We do not buy monitors, cases, power supplys, mice and
keyboards individually; if you have a large quantity of whole computers, we can buy the whole lot (including the components that we
don't buy separatly).
We pay more for disassmbled components than whole computers. For example, if you
had 2000 pounds of whole computers and you dissasemble them and ship us the
separate components, you would be paid more than if you shipped the 2000 pounds of
whole computers.
* we will recycle peripherials for free as long they are a small percentage of a whole
PC shipment.
Get Started
To get started, please contact us, or send us details about your material for a
price estimate and shipping arrangments.

Electronics Scrap
To learn more about refining your scrap
Ship your scrap for analysis or refinement
Our commercial services can help make refining 10,000lbs of scrap a breeze.